Peter's production journey started in his teens, when his hunger for musical learning and experience was a constant. He borrowed a drum kit from a friend when she went off to summer camp, and an electronic keyboard from a neighbour. With two tape decks and a Radio Shack two-channel stereo mixer, he would record one track on cassette, and then add another layer as he recorded to the second deck. Repeating the process several times he would perform and combine drums, keyboard, bass and guitar. A few years later, part-time jobs financed a proper 4-track recorder. His first production gig in 1992 was with a young metal band called The Dead Lemmings, members of which went on to successful careers with Broken Social Scene and Do Make Say Think. Pre-production took place on the side of a roadside swamp. Although he's always been more focused on live performance, Peter went on to produce several albums, including his own.

PM Production sampler
From “Ants and Angels” (2006)
From “People are Different” (2007, Sonic Unyon)
From “One Hundred Photographs” (2009)
From “Shifting Through the Breakers” (2007)