Brands have to communicate effectively to their target market in order to sell their products. Then, they need to communicate with their customers in order to make them feel supported, and keep them engaged and interested. This process happens in many contexts, but it almost always involves the written word. Even a compelling video needs a persuasive script. Ads need not only pictures, but words. Words do the job of connecting your customers to your products. Furthermore, your brand needs a strong and consistent communications style that not only reaches your customers, but makes them feel understood. If you demonstrate that you understand the needs of your customers, you have a chance of earning their trust. Based on his vast experience as a musician, writer and editor, Peter can define that style and apply it to all your marketing communications: web copy, ad copy, e-newsletters, user guides, catalogs, press releases and more. Good copy can sell average products, but even great products can’t be sold without good copy. So always aim for great products represented by great copy!

The first thing that Peter did for Markbass in 2005 was create a new slogan: Bass at its Best. Four words that perfectly and succinctly summed up the brand mission. Years later, while leading a full website redesign for Xvive, he conceived a slogan that conveyed the goal of the brand's wireless products: Play Free.

Magazines and websites have a tendency to reprint press releases word-for-word. This gives you a great opportunity to control your message—but it also means you need to take advantage and get the message right! Peter's experience with writing for music magazines makes him perfectly positioned for this task.
Another important area for writing is advertising copy. Peter has written copy for many magazine and digital ads. He wrote a series of advertorials for Markbass that explained the groundbreaking technology behind the brand's products. He was also the editor and writer for a regular publication called Markbass Magazine, which was distributed to customers via Markbass dealers around the world. The publication featured product news, artist profiles, and in-depth technical articles about design and manufacturing. Educating existing and prospective customers about the technology they were enjoying was a great investment, because it boosted their confidence in the quality of their purchase, and convinced them they were part of a new era of bass amplification.